Full-Stack QA

Low Code Software QA

Some real experiences in startup company. This is for QA who is in a small startup company to build some tools to help increase productivity.

Due to the budget, leverage some open-source tools is the only way to achieve it.

Let's say, How to Be Less struggling for QA in small startup company?

In startup company, how to solve problem with less cost?

  1. what's kind of problem you want to solve?
  2. Is there any simple solution? Simple Process?
  3. Is there any existing open-source tool to solve it?
  4. How to use the open-source tool?
  5. How to integrate different tools?

Tool Categories

  1. Practical Process: Open-Source and Table like application
    • Project Management
  2. Infra: Docker/K8S/CI/CD/Yaml/Script
    • Database
    • Management
  3. CI-CD tools
    • Docker
    • K8S
    • Pipeline
  4. internal-tools:
    1. backend-lowcode
    2. fronted-lowcode
    3. headless-cms
  5. self-made automation tools

Project Management

  1. What's the purpose of the project management in Software QA lifecycle?
  2. How to do it in cost-efficiency way?
  3. What to achieve? and how to improve overtime?

Backend Api

Infra - Docker Scripts

Testing tools

Internal Tools Builder

Draw tools

Test Ops


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